Saturday, July 25, 2009

Okay, so this demonstrates my complete lack of computer knowledge :) I don't know how to add words to the pictures so I'll explain them separately. On the top is Mercy and David who made my birthday cake in Kenya... and then smeared it all over my face. Next is the Rift Valley in Kenya... So beautiful! The two kids are from Soshanguve, the township that we are doing most of our work in. Below that is the bakery and the intern team. I like to show this picture because this isn't typically what Americans think of when we say "bakery". At the very bottom is zebras from our safari... You know, you have to have one standard Africa picture. My aunt was asking me for some pictures this week so I though I'd put a couple up. In Africa, you pay for all information that you send out online and pictures are a lot! I will put up more once I go back to the U.S. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Juli,

    I came across your blog yesterday while thumbing through Blogger, and I really enjoyed reading through it.

    If you want to put descriptions under your pictures it's actually quite simple.

    While composing your blog click on the tab that is third from the left of the word preview. You can then select your image, have it placed inside your blog and continue writing underneath it.

    Very interesting that you must pay to upload information from where you are. Hope you have a safe rest of the trip. I will continue reading about it as often as I can.
