Thursday, May 21, 2009

Graduation... and trip updates!

I thought I would send out a little update and post some of the hundreds of pictures that were taken in the last two weeks since graduation. After final projects, finals, moving out, graduation and parties I finally drove up the coast this week with my roommate and arrived in Washington. It's been kind of a roller coaster of emotions, very excited about catching up with relationships here but also missing the community that I have loved so much at Vanguard. The slower paced life now that school is out has made my upcoming trip feel more like a reality. For all of the "mom's" I have a doctor appointment tomorrow to get my Typhoid and Yellow Fever shots which I'm sure will help too! Through the generosity of so many of you surrounding graduation, I am almost half-way to meeting the cost of my trip and now can purchase my airplane ticket! Keep praying for the team, and that as much preparation and details could be worked out before we leave for the summer.